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Plastician droppad från BBC för att göra plats för nu-rave

Övrig musik - Elektroniskt


2007-07-04 13:08

Plastician droppad från BBC för att göra plats för nu-rave

På Plasticians blog på myspace:


This hasn't been officially released yet but was going to talk about it on the show this Friday anyhow....

Unfortunately my show on "In New DJ's We Trust" has been dropped to make way for a new show showcasing the Nu-Rave and Electro scene.

I've just found out myself, the decision was only made final yesterday afternoon.

This Friday's special will be my last show on the regular Radio One slot, after which I will be deputising for Maryanne Hobbs in a few weeks before parting company.

Just want to big up Hermeet Chadha for giving me the opportunity to showcase the best in Dubstep and Grime to a worldwide audience on the BBC. And thanks to Charlotte Coker, Helen Smith, Tom Koenig and all the team at Somethin Else for producing my show over the last 18 months.

Watch this space though......... Plastician will not be falling off the face of the FM dial forever. I can guarantee I won't let that happen, its been far too big a part of my life for the last 5 years.

Respect to all who've tuned in, recorded and helped me out with tracks and segments on the show over it's course.



Jag pallar inte nu-rave men det brukar vara lätt att skita i det. Men vad fan håller BBC på med?!