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Pleiadians - Seven Sisters

Övrig musik - Elektroniskt


2006-11-29 15:31

Pleiadians - Seven Sisters


Känner mej tvungen att tipsa om Pleiadians nya album.
Den rekomenderas verkligen till er som gillar goa och psy.

2006 is the beginning of a New Era. The psytrance Mentors are back!

A universal phenomenon landed on planet Earth 10 years ago and left a deep mark in the history of psychedelic trance. The journey began in 1996 when the Pleiadians released their debut album 'Identified Flying Object - IFO' (Dragonfly Records, 1996).

IFO is hailed as a classic among classics, in early 'Goa' and Psychedelic Trance. Their second album 'Family OF Light' (Dragonfly Records, 1999) was also a worldwide hit featuring the 14-minute symphonic monster 'Modulation.' At the time of their 2 previous releases the Pleiadians were formed by Massimiliano Lanfranconi, Maurizio Begotti Andrea Rizzo and Carlo Paterno.

Style: Psytrance

Released: Nov. 2006/47