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ny mixx: The Disco Fixx!

Övrig musik - Elektroniskt


2005-09-26 15:42

ny mixx: The Disco Fixx!

Gus & Dave presents The Disco Fixx!

ladda här:

http://headsup.killingar.net/music/the d ..


1 - Intro
2 - Sexual Harrasment - I need a freak
3 - Kasso - Walkman
4 - Rah Band - Messages from the stars
5 - Victor - Go on do it
6 - Mr fingers - Beyond the clouds
7 - Lindstrom - I feel space
8 - Barbra Coleman - Boyfriend
9 - Marcus Miller - My best friends girlfriend
10 - Ellinor Eskimo - Chillin in my igloo
11 - L.E.B Harmony - Feeling love
12 - Cerrone - Supernature
13 - My Mine - Hypnotic tango
14 - The Flirts - Calling all boys
15 - Eurofunk - Manshortage
16 - Phuture - Acid trax
17 - Winx - Dont laugh
18 - Elektra - Feels good
19 - Kenix ft. Bobby Youngblood - There's never been
20 - Oorutaichi - Misen gymnastics
21 - Saint Etienne - Kiss and make up


lil;D / Above ALL / Heads Up! / Teachers / Stay fresh...