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Helsinki | 21/4 - Tesfa Sound System

Klubb & Konserter - Övrigt & Utland


2007-04-12 22:34

Helsinki | 21/4 - Tesfa Sound System

Tesfa's crossing the border to link up with our neighbouring dub companions in Intergalaktik Sound for a session in Helsinki Finland. If that wasn't enough Jah Equity Sound System from Schwitzerland is also on for the night. 3 the hard way. See flyer here:

3 Steps Forward Outernational featuring
Intergalaktik Sound (Finland)
Jah Equity (Schwitzerland)
Tesfa Sound System (Sweden)

Saturday the 21:st of April
Venue: Lauantaina in Helsinki (Finland)
Gatepressure: ?
Open hours: 22-03 (approximately)

(for more info email [email protected])

Intergalaktik Sound: www.myspace.com/intergalaktiksound
Jah Equity Sound System: http://www.jahequity.net/
Tesfa Sound System: www.myspace.com/tesfasoundsystem