28/11 - Dancehall Night @ Kontiki -Ruff Lynx & DJ Marimba Roney(sthlm)
Nu på Lördag @ Kontiki!
Från Stockholm har vi bjudit ner Marimba Roney!
DJ MARIMBA (Stockholm) Playin pure bashment in clubs n parties around Sweden and with Neneh Cherry around Europe. Has played a major role in bringing dancehall, hiphop n dancemusic to the people, not only through DJing, but also as a journalist.
Tillsammans med Rough Lynx Sound kommer det bjudas på det bästa inom Reggae & Dancehall!
Vi börjar spela 21.00
Lördag 28 November
DJ Marimba Roney - Sthlm
Rough Lynx Sound
60 kr
18 år