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26/5 Ghostface Killah @ SCRATCH Musikens Hus (INSTÄLLT)

Klubb & Konserter - Göteborg


2009-02-18 12:05

26/5 Ghostface Killah @ SCRATCH Musikens Hus (INSTÄLLT)

yes, yes ..it is confirmed. http://www.scratchgbg.se

Scratch presenterar GFK
26 maj
Musikens hus
www.pusterviksbiljetter.se www.ticnet.se

(Inlägget ändrat av erorone 2009-02-20 21:29:50)

(Inlägget ändrat av mfs 2009-03-19 18:16:31)

Hip-hop is still cool at a party. But to me, hip-hop has never been strictly a party; it is also there to elevate consciousness. -Saul Williams