28/6 Kärleksfesten @ Galaxen
Detta ska såklart inte vara någon form av kompensation för- utan en hyllning till Peace and Love.
Prop Dylan Rhymes and Riddim Henry Bowers
Är de redan bokade hiphop-akterna. Frivilligt inträde
Namn: Kärleksfesten
Plats: Galaxen, Borlänge
Datum/Tid: 2013-06-28
Ålder: 18
Mer info: https://www.facebook.com/events/135145500022484/?fref=ts
(Inlägget ändrat av FHTEOD 2013-06-19 15:44:05)
Question your goods, who makes them? Where they come from and how they distributed it? You have a relationship to all of theese things. If someone or some earth is being fucked over in the process, by witch your goods get to you; you are ultimately responsible for any harm done.