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Mortal Kombat Legacy (Webserie)

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2011-04-10 19:27

Mortal Kombat Legacy (Webserie)

Så nu på tisdag, den 12:e april, drar Mortal Kombat webserien igång, det är 10 avsnitt som baseras på Kevin Tancharoens "Proof of concept"-videon Mortal Kombat Rebirth och ska handla om onda slagskämpar som är med i alls våran favoritdödsfightturnering.

"We're really doing a lot of the iconic characters, so we have Sonya, Jax, and Kano, which is a new character in that realistic world. We're going to do an episode with Scorpion and Sub-Zero, but it takes place in ancient Japan. The whole episode is in Japanese and you see the depth of Scorpion's family and clan and how they got murdered, etc. That one is going to be very epic, because of the iconic characters. We're doing Rayden, of course, because you can't do Mortal Kombat without Rayden. We're doing Kitana and Mileena and we're also doing a really, really cool one. The one that I'm most excited about is Cyrax and Sektor."

Serien kan följas på www.machinima.com

1. Första avsnitt kommer fokusera mycket på Jax - Sonya Blade - Kano (12 april)

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