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Kolla Days of our Lives i sträck?

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2008-10-06 14:26

Kolla Days of our Lives i sträck?

Jag skrev det här på ett engelskt forum så jag orkar inte översätta nu men här har ni lite lustig läsning om ni orkar:
Me and my friend had nothing to do so we turned on the TV and there was Days of our Lives running. We started to just discuss how long the show had been running. So I had to check it out.

I went to tvrage.com and saw that it had been running since 1965.. Damn I thought. Then we focused on how many seasons the show has been running for. turned out it was 43 seasons, but the most intresting was that there was 260 episodes total for each season.

Then we saw that the latest episode to be aired was number 10920. If that wasn't silly enough we thought of how long it would take to watch the whole show. It turned out that for the first ten years each episode was only 30 miniutes long, and since 1975 and forward they aired 60 min episodes.

So we first calculated the time of all episodes the first ten years when the show had only 30 min per ep.

260*10=2600 episodes

2600*30= 78000 min

78000/60 = 1300h

1300/24 = 54.16 days

And then for the rest of the show, that would be 32 year and 10 months when all episodes have been aired for 60 min each, wich would be 8320 episodes.

8320 ep.= 8320h

8320/24 = 346.6 days

So finally we get:

54.16 days + 346.6 days = 400.76 days

So 400.76 days is also 9620h to watch the show. To break it down even more 400.76/365 = 1.09 years total of watching the whole show, every episodes.... (if you watch it all in one sitting).

Yeah I know we have alot of spare time but there you go, we had a laugh over it so we thought we should share. So if you are thinking of watching the whole serie, think again.