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Roland Emmerich will try to kill everyone in 2012 (2012)

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2008-05-24 13:49

Roland Emmerich will try to kill everyone in 2012 (2012)

Director Roland Emmerich regularly tries to wipe out the human race. Three of his movies have been big budget apocalyptic extravaganzas where a natural disaster or an external force tries to kill everybody. What’s wrong with the guy?

It looks like his genocidal tendencies have got the better of him again with the upcoming apocalyptic disaster movie 2012, which, according to Reuters, will star John Cusack and co-star British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor.

In Emmerich's Independence Day aliens came to visit and they weren’t playing nice, a global winter nearly froze our brains in The Day after Tomorrow, while an irritated lizard creature called Godzilla went nuts in the movie of the same name. Fortunately, on all three occasions the human race managed to scrape through. Now we’re in for it again, this time in the year 2012 (so brace yourself, 2012 is not very far away).

“It will be very expensive,” said Emmerich of 2012, “you see the whole world go to shit".

Which doesn’t sound good, does it?

2012 is the year that the Mayan calendar ends and many have predicted it will be the apocalyptic end of the Earth. First Showing reports that Emmerich was inspired to write the movie after discovering just how many people write about, or believe, that the world ends in 2012.

“When you type in Google, ‘2012’, you get 240 million hits. That’s a lot,” said Emmerich.

So what exactly happens in the movie? Emmerich isn’t revealing much. All we know is that 2012 is the story of a global cataclysm, which ends the world as we know it. The movie will follow a heroic group who struggle to survive.

Emmerich wrote the script with his 10,000 BC co-writer Harald Kloser. The script set off a bidding war between the major studies, with Sony eventually winning the distribution rights.

I like the Mayan calendar idea, it sounds like a good premise for a movie, but I particularly like the fact that John Cusack stars. He hasn’t been in enough lately. Cusack plays a divorced dad, writer and limo driver, Jackson Curtis, who goes on a journey to save his family. Cusack most recently starred in the horror film 1408, and has just finished War, Inc., which he wrote and produced.

British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor (American Gangster and the villain in the Firefly movie Serenity) will co-star. Ejiofor plays Adrian Helmsley, an idealistic science adviser to the president.

Shooting begins in July in Los Angeles. 2012 is due out 10 July 2009.

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