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Grindhouse fans.... Machette (Danny Trejo) kommer att bli en trilogi!

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2008-05-13 12:30

Grindhouse fans.... Machette (Danny Trejo) kommer att bli en trilogi!


Actor Danny Trejo has been throwing around the idea of Machete (one of the fake trailers in Grindhouse) becoming an actual movie since Grindhouse debuted last April. In fact, in May we wrote about how Trejo said that the Weinstein's were actually going to make it - but that same article also said that they were going to make Sin City 2, and that movie is currently "on hold". The guys over at Bloody Disgusting caught up with Trejo over the weekend and learned that it's actually still on track, or at least Trejo is still hoping it gets made.

Trejo told BD at the HorrorHound Weekend in Indiana that "Robert Rodriguez is still working on getting Machete off the ground" and that Rodriguez in fact will actually be directing and not just producing. Trejo says that he hopes Rodriguez will be ready once he finishes another project that he's currently involved in. But that's not all, Trejo says the Weinstein's want to make Machete into a trilogy.

Really? I can easily see Machete turning into a good film on its own, but I can not see a Machete trilogy performing even as remotely as well as Grindhouse - and that was widely considered a huge flop! I love these classic grindhouse grunge types of movies (especially Hell Ride), but that doesn't mean it's still mainstream fare that everyone else loves. However, I'll hold my tongue until we hear more about this project - maybe it could turn out pretty badass.

Machete was one of the fake trailers created by Robert Rodriguez that played as part of the full Grindhouse theatrical cut. Countless people referred to it as the best part of Grindhouse, while others at least agreed that it was the best of the four fake trailers. After being betrayed by the organization who hired him, an ex-Federale launches a brutal rampage of revenge against his former boss. The film stars Danny Trejo as Machete and also includes an appearance by Cheech Marin.

Jag vet inte vad ni tycker, men själv säger jag bara: This movie is gonna fucking rock"
Danny Trejo är så jävla grym.
Machette var fan den bästa av fake trailerna! :D

Va tycker ni o vad tror ni?

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