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WGA strejkar igen! - Stop för dina favoritserier!

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2008-04-03 16:28

WGA strejkar igen! - Stop för dina favoritserier!

2 April 2008

Strike Two?

Under intense pressure to begin negotiations early with movie studios and television studios in order to avoid a strike that could shut down the industry for a second time this year, the Screen Actors Guild has agreed to open talks on April 15 with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. The union's contract expires on June 30. While its agreement to open talks early was generally welcomed by all sides, it comes days after the SAG board voted on a package of proposals that are almost certain to be rejected by the AMPTP when the talks begin. They include demands for higher residual payments for new media and DVD than are spelled out in the recently negotiated contracts with the Directors Guild of America and the Writers Guild of America. (SAG's current leaders were bitterly critical of the contract negotiated in 2005 by their predecessors.) If several or all of these proposals are rejected as nonstarters by the AMPTP -- as were the writers' demands for jurisdiction over reality shows and animated films -- it could set the stage for the AMPTP to walk away from the talks and open separate negotiations with the other actors' union, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.

--- IMDB.com

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