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Bästa citaten från Glengarry Glen Ross

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2007-06-08 14:20

Bästa citaten från Glengarry Glen Ross

Precis som filmen Sökarna så finns det massa citat värda att ta upp, även om GGR är hundra klasser bättre film än sökarna iofs, :)

Har ni några favoriter, vilka isf?

John: "Will you get out of here? Will you get out of here? Will you? I'm trying to run an office here. Now, will you go to lunch? Go to lunch. Will you go to lunch?"

Ricky Roma: How was her crumbcake? Homemade?
Shelley Levene: Hmm? Oh... store bought.
Ricky Roma: Fuck her.

George Aaronow: When I talk to the police I get nervous.
Ricky Roma: Yes. You know who doesn't?
George Aaronow: Who?
Ricky Roma: Thieves.

Blake: Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? FUCK YOU, go home and play with your kids. You wanna work here, close!
