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Dorm Daze 2: College @ Sea

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2006-10-23 13:34

Dorm Daze 2: College @ Sea

Har varit ute ett tag nu, men idag tog jag tag i det och såg den. Var lite halvbra i början, men efter halva filmen kom den igång och blev riktigt rolig. Skrattade högt nästan hela tiden efter det. Pjäsen de sätter ihop blir så jävla rolig. Sherminator från American Pie är med i en av huvudrollerna.

The gang from Dorm Daze is back, but this time they're on a cruise ship on a tropical voyage through the high seas. The captain and crew of the Surveyor, a floating classroom for Billingsley University's Semester at Sea program, is about to make a voyage they'll never forget. The cruise makes an educational stop at the island of San Paradiso, where the students are supposed to explore an important archaeological site. Things go from normal to crazy as their visit coincides with every other college's spring break. The moment the boat docks, classes are over! For these Billingsley students, their Semester at Sea will be an adventure no one will ever forget.

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