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Bästa filmkommentarer

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2006-05-02 23:45

Bästa filmkommentarer

Langa era favorit filmcitat, film och helst scen. Min är utan tveka från snatch. Kommentarer som

Tommy : Whats wrong with this one?
Turkish : Nothing tommy, its Tip Top.(tar loss dörren) But im not really sure about the color.

sol: I thought you said he was a getaway driver, what tha fock can he get a way from?

Sol: Whats wrong with that space on the other side?
Tyrone: Its to tight.
Sol: To tight, you can land a jumbofocking jet in there.

BON jour..

Är klockrena men:
Funny angle? tyrone when ever you reverse things come from behind you.
Its a fout ton truck its not a bag of focking peanuts now is it?

show me yours

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