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Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2005-04-19 10:35

Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance

Någon som sett detta guldkorn?
Någon som vill disskutera filmen?

Känner mig ganska ensam på den här fronten, Nästan ingen som sett den och nästan ingen som är sugen på att hyra en koreansk rulle, Pretty lame.

Utdrag från Dvdtimes.co.uk

"Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is far from a happy film, nothing seems to go right for any of the characters, and they all seem to be doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, making it impossible to choose a side. That makes everything all the more tragic, as horrible things keep happening to those on both sides, and things get ever increasingly bloody, characters lashing out in desperation - trying to find a way to redirect their pain. But you know it isn’t going to work, nobody is going to walk away from this with a happy sense of closure. It’s actually a film where mood is very important, by reputation I expected a much more action packed and bloody movie, but Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is actually a very slow moving film, which draws you in and forces you to empathise - sorry - sympathise with the leads. This also makes the violence much more shocking, the near banality of much of the film relaxing you so far that when the violence erupts it’s incredibly jarring. Watching traditional action movies full of violence, it’s difficult to be shocked at all, throwing brutality at the screen manages to desensitise you - if only for a couple of hours - to a world of horrors (just look at the acting in any Michael Bay movie if you need proof) but when it explodes out of nowhere you have no choice but to face it."

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