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Team America: World Police (Trailer)

Hobby & Fritid - Kultur & Media


2004-08-22 14:41

Team America: World Police (Trailer)




Kan inte låta bli att älska Trey Parker och Matt Stone.

Plot Outline: Marionette superheroes fight to end terrorism and put tired celebrities out of their misery.

"The idea for the film came in 2003 when 'Matt Stone' and 'Trey Parker' were watching television and came across re-runs episodes of "Thunderbirds" (1964), which Parker had never seen. Instantly intrigued, the two decided a marionette action film would be "the perfect way to send up all those Jerry Bruckheimer movies"."

Kolla in trailern, detta kan nog bli en jävligt rolig film som dock inte högern i USA kommer att uppskatta.