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[Psp] Killzone:liberation 2

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2009-06-25 17:27

[Psp] Killzone:liberation 2

Satt på killzones forum och sprang på en tråd där det stog:

Guerrilla Games has today confirmed that it is a sequel to its PSP shooter Killzone: Liberation will.

Unfortunately, not yet announced, in what a view (bird’s eye view, 3rd person, or ego) the game will be released ... However, Killzone: Liberation 2 in knowing that - as the first part - exclusively for the PlayStation Portable and will also have their own story. The game will appear next year.

Guerrilla Games has also a "Killzone 3" announced that the PlayStation 3 will be released. However, this does not accurately.

Är så grymt glad över detta, så var tvungen att skapa en tråd om det! Är det någon som sitter på mer info, länkar eller vad som helst ang. spelet så får ni hemskt gärna posta här!