PS3 används för att "imitera" hjärnan!
Lite kul kuriosa för er PS3-ägare!
Tydligen så är PS3an så pass kraftull att om man sätter ihop 3 stycken av dom så får man en mini-superdator som kan räkna ut en massa roliga saker:
“PS3 contains the IBM CELL processor, whose architecture is suitable for parallel programming and can be used not only for games but for many scientific and multimedia applications. We have also demonstrated that a cluster of these PS3 can behave like a mini supercomputer,” Moorkanikara said.
"According to one of the students, Jayram Moorkanikara, unlike the Wii and the X-Box, Playstation 3 allows for more practical use in scientific research."
- Take that Master Chief! :P
Married to the money, fuck the world, that's adultery