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Clover studios läggs ner ;/

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2006-10-15 00:18

Clover studios läggs ner ;/

hitta den (obs lång)Excite: October 12, 2006

Cac Place

Company name: Capcom Ltd.
Representative name: The President and Representative Director Kenzo Tsujimoto
..(.. code number: 9697 Osaka Securities Exchange Tokyo Stock Exchange and the 1st
Where to make contact: Announcing to public and IR room
Telephone number: (06)6920-3623

Information concerning dissolution and liquidation of our subsidiary company

Our company will inform that the dissolution of clover studio Ltd. that is our subsidiary company was resolved in Managing Board of holding on October 12, 2006.


1. Outline of subsidiary company that dissolves
(1) Trade name: Clover studio Ltd.
(2) Address: 3 chome in plains townsecond No.8 in Osaka City Chuo Ward
(3) Representative name: Halhiroshi Tsujimoto
(4) Foundation Date: July 1, 2004
(5) The capital: 90 million yen
(6) Activities: Development of domestic game software
(7) Main shareholder: Capcom Ltd. 100%

1. Reason for dissolution
It was assumed that this company was dissolved to attempt efficient development development by selecting and concentrating the entire group though clover studio Ltd. had developed domestic game software to create the title that had originality.

2. Schedule for the future
Liquidation Musshima: Schedule at the end of March, 2007

3. Outlook for the future
About 400 million yen is scheduled to be summed up to the Financial Statements for Interim Period Ended Sept 30, 2006 as an extraordinary loss about loss Mi Cogac according to the dissolution of a subsidiary company concerned. The content is woven to the correction of the performance forecast dated of the same day.

Clover studios ligger bakom : Wievtiful (stavning?) joe 1 och 2 , Okami och God hand.

fan när capcom för en gångs skull gav oss annat än uppföljare;(

så här gåre när ni köper scarface spel å sånt värdelöst skit ;(

gamertag :ridleywhoa