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NHL 07 - It looks freakin' awsome!

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2006-07-14 04:52

NHL 07 - It looks freakin' awsome!

För någon timme sedan på EA Studio Showcase event så fick man se lite in-game filmer från de kommande EA spelen och däribland NHL 07. Det ser onekligen riktigt bra ut, och äntligen har man börjat utveckla tv-spels hockey.

Lite videos!

By far the biggest change in NHL 07 will be how you handle the puck. Fans of the series will remember that NHL 06 for the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox worked the right analog stick into gameplay, letting the player control a wide variety of deke moves by pressing the right analog stick in different directions. That approach has been refined to a large degree with the Xbox 360 version of the game. In NHL 07, the right thumbstick acts as a sort of analog for the hockey stick itself, and how you move the right stick exactly determines how your onscreen player will control the puck. Move it from side to side, for example, and your player will move the puck from left to right; pull back and push forward and he will unleash a mighty slap shot at the goal.

Vad tror ni? Själv så pressar jag mitt 06 så gott som varje dag och det är fortfarande lika bra som första gången!

360 GT: Beezwaax