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Spyware i WoW från Blizzard

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2005-10-18 20:45

Spyware i WoW från Blizzard

Blizzard is watching! - BSTRhino

For the second time, Blizzard Entertainment has been caught red-handed entangling spyware into one of their games! Created by Blizzard, the most popular MMORPG in existence World of WarCraft has been reverse-engineered by RootKit staff member Greg Hoglund and found to run a program called The Warden. The Warden is a program created by Blizzard to scan the programs running on your computer for any open hack or cheating programs. Some say that the word spyware is taking an extreme spin on the anti-piracy measure, but Hoglund responds:

The fact is that the warden client reads information from other processes on the computer. Regardless of the reasons, this technically counts as 'spying' on a user. So, reasons aside, the term 'spyware' is fitting.

Greg Hoglund, RootKit

Blizzard certainly do not want the same outcome that occured last time they dipped their toes into the sea of spyware - in 1998 an attorney from California sued Blizzard for unlawful business practices when StarCraft was found to transmit information about a user without the user's permission. To keep World of WarCraft players in the loop this time round, Greg Hoglund has created an open source program called The Governor to track all the data that World of WarCraft is spying on. Or as Hoglund put it, it's about `keeping Blizzard honest.'

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