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Blizzard börjat med Diablo 3?

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2005-05-01 01:07

Blizzard börjat med Diablo 3?

Last Wednesday, Diabloii.net, unofficial site about Blizzard's creation Diablo, received quite an interesting email from a musician telling them that the music for Diablo 3 was recorded a some days ago, and that he was one of them who did it. He did not see any Blizzard employee there, although the same composer and conductor from Diablo II were there.

Rumours regarding Blizzard's upcoming projects wander through Internet as quick as always. Last wednesday Diabloii.net received an e-mail from a musician from Czech Republic, saying that he plays in an orchestra. He recently came back from Bratislava in Slovakia after recording sessions with the local Radio Symphony Orchestra. There he says that they recorded music from Diablo 3. He is not 100% sure, but the same composer and conductor were there.

Diablo II: LoD music also conducted in Slovakia
During the development of Diablo II Lord of Destruction, Blizzard posted some pictures and information of the recording session for the game, held in Bratislava, Slovakia. There they write that the conductor Kirk Trevor had an orchestra and a lot of musicians in Slovakia recording songs for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Read all about it » here on the downloadable Lord of Destruction MP3s site. They were made early 2001 and Diablo II was released later that year in June.

Wagner music in Diablo II
Further down in the mail by the musician, he says that he did not see any Blizzard employee there although the composer Matt Uelman and the conductor Kirk Trevor. He also writes that the music they recorded was very much like Diablo II's. "The music is again, like in Diablo 2 expansion, very much based on Wagner. In Diablo 2 expansion there are many plases in Act 5 that take directly from Wagners opera "Tristan and Isolde". The music they conducted were very much like other Wagner operas. It is not unususal that other musicians use the music of Wagner. One example is John Williams, known Star Wars music maker.

Diablo III will be shown on E3?
After these rumours have leaked out, experts now believe that Diablo III will be shown on E3, the computer festival in Los Angeles. Diabloii.net however believs that they will wait a bit longer. "We are more inclined to think it will make a debut at the Leipzig game convention some time in August."

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