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Baldurs Gate III är på G

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2004-12-02 21:42

Baldurs Gate III är på G

japp ni läste rimmet och ni såg rätt mina kära vänner jag är stolt att få berätta för er att Baldurs Gate III är på gång..

BG3 In The Works
Thursday, November 4, 2004, 13:27 | MageDragon
According to the October issue of PC Gamer magazine, Baldur’s Gate III is in the works. Although Atari has not announced who the developer or publisher is, they did confirm it would use a 3D engine and AD&D 3.5 rules. Here is a small excerpt:
”The plot will be set in the early days of Baldur’s Gate, but don’t be surprised if you run into a hamster-toting ancestor of Minsc. Atari intends to incorporate a memorable array of Forgotten Realms monsters, races, sub-races and prestige classes and is working closely with Wizards of the Coast to faithfully develop the setting, characters and story. Hight plans to poll fans to ensure that favorite characters, classes and locations are included."
The Hight mentioned is John Hight, Atari Executive Producer. Let’s hope he gets in touch with us here at PlanetBaldursGate so we can run some polls for him.

Stay tuned, we will post more news as we get more information.

och att jag är glad :)

Rap is like star wars, only the stars die it's no sequels