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Guildwars öppnar igen under 3dagar

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2004-10-25 16:59

Guildwars öppnar igen under 3dagar

Guild Wars: World Preview Event - BSTRhino @ 3:45:48 AM

Coming up on the 29-31st October 2004, you get a chance to play an interactive preview of Guild Wars. Guild Wars is a MMORPG being developed by ArenaNet, a company formed from nine of Blizzard's best ex-employees. If you're a Blizzard fan, this is a game you might want to look into.

You can download the game client for Guild Wars from this page: www.guildwars.com. We hope to find a lot of ORG Network visitors online during the Guild Wars World Preview Event, and perhaps we can meet up during the preview. Just run your game client during October 29-31st and you'll be transported to the world of Guild Wars.

Detta kommer slå hårt när de blir färdigt...

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