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Första titten på PS3 nästa år

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2004-07-12 16:21

Första titten på PS3 nästa år

TOKYO, July 12 (Reuters) - Electronics and entertainment conglomerate Sony Corp. (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Mondayit would have its next-generation PlayStation home console ready to display at next year's E3 video game show, usually held in May.

"There has been some talk that development for a next generation game console has not been going well, but we will have a playable version ready by next spring," said Sony's game division head, Ken Kutaragi.

He did not specify when the new console would go on sale, but said it would follow a similar schedule to market as its predecessor, PlayStation 2 (PS2), which first went on sale in March 2000.

http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml ..
