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"Recension"av nåt Transformers-spel

Hobby & Fritid - Konsol & PC-Spel


2004-06-06 01:22

"Recension"av nåt Transformers-spel

Hittade denna på ett hiphopforum... så jävla fet beskrivning av ett spel, haha, lär vara köpvärt :D


A yo who got that new Transformers for PS2? My wiz bought me a copy for born day last week, and yo that joint is hott sun. Tha graphics are sick, they up there with Final Fanasty yo, word iz bond. You gotta go around and get tha Mini-Coins and they add more power to your autobot, You can transform and roll out on deceptions.

So far I'm battling Tidal Wave, yo this nigga is huge. Like tha size of tha trade towers. After I had completed tha Deception aircraft carrier, it began to transform into this hugh decepticon and was Tidal Wave. So far I have found all tha Mini-Coins except 1 and got all tha Data Cons. I got stealth cameo, etc...... This is a hott game and must have for Voltron and Transfomers heads.


Lord Metatron


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