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SE hänger inte med längre - Nya Nokia E90

Hobby & Fritid - Datorer & Teknik


2006-12-08 07:38

SE hänger inte med längre - Nya Nokia E90

"The device is based on S60 3rd Edition (3.1, Feature Pack 1). It’s a clamshell like all older Communicators and it has two screens. The external screen is 240×320 (it’s a typical S60 3rd Edition screen) while the internal screen is……….. 800×352 pixels!!!! YES! It’s large and it’s of fantastic quality! It shows the same UI as the external screen but in a different resolution which looks like three E61 screens in a row The nicest thing is that all applications can be run on EITHER of the screens. You can launch a program on the external screen, open the flip and continue working with the program on the internal screen. And vice versa! No more restricted, almost useless cover UI which can’t do anything but phone calls and access to SMS/contacts. Now you get FULL access to the entire OS from BOTH sides. The UI and all applications automatically rescale themselves to the right resolution. The internal screen is NOT touch sensitive."


"The UI inside and system applications look like S60 3rd Edition, the device has the standby screen known from the latest S60v3 phones (including the active part) and also the typical S60 menu with folders. Applications like Contacts, Calendar, etc. are tweaked for the high resolution of the internal screen. I mean, on the external display they look and work like on any “normal” S60 3rd Ed. phone e.g. N80, but on the internal screen they make good use of the much increased resolution and screen area. For instance, Contacts have the list of your contacts on the left side while the selected contact data is shown immediately on the right side, like in older Communicators, so there is no need to click each contact to open it’s card and then go back to the list. I had no time to check all system apps in detail but it looks that all system applications including Calendar etc. will be much extended compared to standard S60 3rd Ed. phones and I’m sure that they will not be lacking functionality or ease of use compared to older Communicators. I know that this is what some people were afraid of. Don’t be. The unit I tested didn’t have full set of applications, for example the Office folder was still empty, which is the best proof that Nokia works on the applications for the new Communicator and not just takes them from the existing S60 devices without any modifications."

Saxat från my-symbian
Lite pinsamt att Sony Ericsson knappt fått ut P990 på marknaden när den redan känns 1-2 år gammal - och barnsjukdomarna på den skall vi inte ens börja gå in på.

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