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Pandora timeshift hack hjälp

Hobby & Fritid - Datorer & Teknik


2006-03-09 12:58

Pandora timeshift hack hjälp

www.pandora.com känner nog dom flesta till ("personlig" webradio)

Vissa kanske läst om timeshifthacket som möjliggör sparning av låtarna som streamas.

filmklipp finns på episod 8 där dom visar hur detta går till.

och här är en förklaring:

Here is an applescript that can be used to save files from pandora
you need to point to the the tmp folder “/private/tmp” create an alias
of it to access it easier.
select the track named WebKitPlugInStream…… with is a couple of MB and have safari opened on the pandora page.
careful they use preloading so the song playing is bot always the latest files in the tmp folder so you will have to wait to get the true filename that is in the tab as they have disabled the title in the webpage source.
There is probably ways to this better but at least you control what you save. Someone probably get an applescript that gets the id3 tag and make this even better.

set chosenfile to choose file with prompt “Choose a document:”
property DEBUG : false
tell application “Safari”

set windowName to my GetWindowName()
if DEBUG then display dialog windowName
my give_window_focus(windowName)
end tell
on give_window_focus(window_name)
tell application “System Events”
tell process “Safari”
perform action “AXRaise” of window named window_name
end tell
end tell
end give_window_focus

on GetWindowName()
tell application “Safari”

– I prefer to bookmark the tabs in just the front window:
return ((name of window 1) as string)
my give_window_focus(windowName)
end tell

end GetWindowName
tell application “Safari”
ignoring case
set theTitle to (name of window windowName)
end ignoring
end tell

tell application “Finder”
ignoring case
set name of chosenfile to (theTitle & “.mp3″)
set theFolder to choose folder with prompt “Pick folder to move the selected tracks to”
tell application “Finder”
move file chosenfile to theFolder
end try
end tell
end ignoring
end tell

Fattar fortfarande inget, nån som kan hjälpa till?

fair enough..